Such a good and interesting piece, clear and informative. Thank you!

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It shows the intransigence of the local Conservatives, is there a place for this modern Conservative approach in local politics….Surely not.

Tomorrow’s election should indicate how strong the Conservatives vote is in Northants …

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Could it be that a credible candidate press ganged at short notice doesn’t really want the job? Or just not willing to answer questions about the car crash of the last few months?

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An excellent piece and says everything about the artificial creation that was and is the Police Commissioner. Too many Tory politicians had watched too many films about American law enforcement( or batman films) Police Authorities were rational, the were a range of people from a range of places-not an individual. The Tories track record in Northants has been, let us say generously pitiful. Their first incarnation was Jim Harker's bag carrier, their second wanted to be MP for Northampton South and Lewer beat him(that's how low the bar was) so the PCC was a consolation prize. Their current contender has chosen to be invisible-seems like a good strategy to me.

I think a predicted turnout of around 20% seems a generous assessment to me.

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Bag carrier 😂

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Thank you for a clear summary, exposing the arrogance of Conservatives who can’t be bothered to turn up for debate!

The stepping down of leaders of West Northants Council, police crime commissioner, investigations and police considering criminal activities - what a sad, shocking state of local democracy.

Let’s hope the citizens of the county vote tomorrow and make real change.

NNJournal - incredible exposure - keep up the transparency and outing what is making national news of shame in our county.

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The Tory candidate’s campaign is totally extraordinary, his lack of visibility is, in my experience, unprecedented. After much thought on the matter I can only attribute his behaviour to arrogance and a grossly distorted view of the electorate.

However, here’s something he may not have considered. Many, many people in Northamptonshire think that tomorrow’s election is in fact, for local government councillors. This will mean, in my opinion, that the woeful performance of the Government in Westminster at the moment will greatly affect the way they vote. We’ll see after the count on Friday afternoon if his bizarre campaign tactics worked.

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I know I don't want another Conservative but fear that with two other candidates splitting the anti-Tory vote Emberson may get elected.

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Once again the sheer arrogance of the Conservatives in keeping their candidate under wraps.

I have not seen anything come through my door or anyone from the Conservative or Liberal Democrat campaigns.

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