Why did the Police Commissioner not check that the CV was accurate before making the appointment?

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As I have written a few times before, a compilation of the Navy Lists, has been publicly available for quite a long time, which covers the entire period when Adderley claims to have been a Navy officer. It can be found in an instant by a Google search. It can then be searched for the Adderley surname similarly quickly, only to find that surname completely absent from the list.

Now, it is very credible that a failed internet toy shop operator, which is what Mold is, did not have the necessary basic knowledge and experience to do this (or anything else very much, as we have seen). But he had quite a substantial staff to help him, several of whom were certainly paid as if they had the acumen to do this sort of basic check, and to realise its importance. So, yes indeed, the question you ask is a very valid one, and I believe that Mold should have been called to the proceedings to answer it.

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The comment he made about "members of the public" (note the plural there) approached Adderley's team to complain about Mr Cowx is offensive. I was there the whole 4 days and can confirm only 6 other people that were not press or OPFCC staff, were there for the entirety of proceedings.

Sam Dobbs & Charlotte Pateman who are associated with the Police Federation, a retired male officer and a retired female officer, Adderley's wife and finally a husband who is a veteran and his wife with complaints against the Police they claim are being ignored.

As the husband and wife and myself did not complain, the only complaints that could have been made come from former Police officers or those who only attended for a single day, not having full view of the entire proceedings.

When he failed to discredit the medal claiming it had been swapped out he then targeted the only witness who was there to say Adderley told him personally about the Falklands. When targeting the witness failed he targeted the procedure and documents trying to discredit them, when that backfired and Adderley trying to get the father of the murdered officer was agreed to, so he could put him on the stand and call him a liar, he then attacked the only person left in the room he had not blamed as being part of this conspiracy, the chair.

I suggest that Captain Pugwash perhaps needs to hold up a mirror to find the only person responsible for his predicament and stop throwing away taxpayers money on further days to fund Mr Beggs KC, the chair and the venue that all needed to be funded for his grandstanding and dragging this out.

New found respect for Nadia who covered this trying to take all the notes needed to keep pace with this.

I can only hope the incoming government and home sec look at this omnishambles and spare the poor folk of Northants the shame of this carrying on much longer.

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We the public are not judge. However, a picture says more than a thousand words. I.e Nick Adderley with the two women admiring him and pointing the War medals say it all. The Biography given to me (among the others Northamptonshire, Police, Fire and Crime panel members) first opening statement says he had been with the Royal Navy for 10 years. Further more, when each panel members were asking pertinent questions about his competences in his interview, here again the evidence recorded in the report confirm his achievements in his military career. He can not get away with all his liars.

He does present himself as a very confident man. However, appearance can be misleading. I see know a pathetic man is really is, who needed desperately to boost his ego in wearing War medal for attracting sympathy. No compassion whatsoever for those 255 real men who put their lives to protect us. That is unforgivable in my opinion.

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And then when have honest people like you, hounded out of doing a good job holding everyone to account, and they wonder why the public have no faith in the system when this is the result.

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As we say in french " c'est la vie".

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I strongly believe that Mold was fully aware of this for many years, he himself was proved to be dishonest and have a deep contempt for the panel members trying to hold him to task!

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Yes Carl.. You can see on YouTube over the years how he behave when challenged.

Unfortunately there are quite lot like him still.

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Anita, you were a great advocate for transparency, I witnessed the process too many times being manipulated by party politics luckily you and a handful of other panel members tried and highlighted the issues with the PFCC model as we the FBU also did, please continue to do the good work of standing up for true democracy ✊

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Thank you Carl. I endeavour to continue to highlight just how wasteful the whole set up of the existence of the Commissioner Office and the panel is. This does not represent "Value for Money" to the tax payer.

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This is going full Trump, isn't it? 👀

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Or maybe a second rate Rumpole tribute act?

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I'm disgusted that the hearing has been adjourned. It should be apparently clear to everyone that this Chief Constable was never fit for high public office & he should now be booted out of the police forces with NO pension!!

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Has anyone ever looked at the medals he wears? His brother has been photographed wearing his South Atlantic Medal since he emigrated to Australia so one or other medal must have an R (official replacement) or "Copy" (from other supplier). Both SAM & GSM should have recipients Name, Rank, Number & Service/Regiment etched around the edge.

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Adderley’s lawyer should be ashamed of himself - always judge a man by the company he keeps

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After the last 6 months one of the things I now dread is Northamptonshire being selected as an area for an elected mayor. Can you imagine the type of corrupt, lying, self serving and physically abusive character that would put themselves forward to be elected.

The electorate of Northamptonshire are in general, decent, honest people. Why oh why are we so naive when it comes to electing our leaders.

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The easiest way to check Adderley Royal Navy lenght of service is to look up his official number from Royal Navy record. For instance my spouse can still recalled his official number and he is 86 years old.

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