So sorry to hear you have stood down Chris but fully understand the reasons. Discrimination and hostility of any kind is unacceptable. Solidarity!

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Sad to read about this situatiion, especially as the Police and Councillors seem to be totally uncaring. As a mid-60s bloke who stutters I feel deeply that people mostly think they're being funny to imitate us. I try not to get too angry with these rude people but sometimes it gets too much and I let them have it. I encourage people to stand up for themselves.

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Interesting article. A sad reflection of our uncaring society that people can inflict this kind of abuse with impunity.

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I am appalled that anyone with a stammer should be forced out of public life by bullying on social media or whilst simply going about their normal business. It is particularly worrying of it deters people from participating in our democratic political processes. I hope that in the future Chris feels able to return to the fray, but it will need a big change in our current political culture.

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