The Chief Executive Anna Earnshaw and the Legal monitoring officer Catherine Whitehead and all other Councillors who have supported Jonathan Nunn by their silence and ill inform letter are equally guilty. They need to resign with immediate effect. They are corrupting the Corporate Governance of the job and what they have been elected to do. Shame, shame on all of them!

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Perhaps the most dreadful aspect of this terrible saga is the pathetic response of the 'Chief Executive'. This is not a personal matter-it is a very public matter about the behaviour of a senior elected person and it is the responsibility of the head of the paid service to deal with it. How can the CE earn the respect and trust of the staff and indeed the wider public by pretending that this affair can be ignored-or is she merely a political glove puppet ?

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Yet more kudos to NNJ for publishing this very important document.

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I am submitting to West Northants Council an addendum to the letter submitted above by my colleagues in the abuse services:

Dear Colleagues/Friends of Jon Lunn:

You all ought to be categorically ashamed of yourselves and, given I am 20-30 years younger than most of you, I do not take the criticism of my representatives lightly.

In 2018, I reported two serving police officers from Northamptonshire for sexual abuse. Your response wasn't one of support. It was of collusion. You armoured the two perpetrators' identities, encouraged their harassment of my family, and you made my life a living hell for outing the sexual abuse I struggled to divulge because of the triggers from my childhood.

Working now as I do in law, in domestic violence campaigns, for child and family poverty, and for the subpostmasters' appellate campaigns, I realise you do not share - nor are you worthy of sharing - the delight in serving the greater good of humanity because you, sirs and madams, are the very enemies of it, and it is clear from your steadfast support of someone who promotes his irredeemable violence against women, including those who mothered his own children, that you are not fit for any office whatsoever.

There is no person more dangerous on the planet than he who masquerades as a martyr and as a servant, deploying furtively the utensils of deception and skullduggery, whilst the rest of us sheepishly assimilate their avarice-soaked venomous work and slowly perish in the shadows.

I demand resignations from every one of you by COB Friday, 26th April, 2024.

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An excellent letter from the 5 charities and NN has played an important part in spreading this appalling story as widely as possible. Please keep the pressure on!

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A very moving letter that strikes at the heart of society’s ingrained attitudes towards domestic abuse. Thank you NNJ for publishing it.

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I work for Citizens Advice, and the number of people who work for the council, who are spouses of serving police officers, coupled with members of the public, fleeing domestic violence is surging incomprehensibly meteorically. It is absolutely unacceptable.

I remind everyone here and at WNC that when I sought help about being sexually abused when I was younger by two still-serving officers with Northants Police, Jonny Nunn et al. reported me to the same police, who then maliciously prosecuted me for bringing those complaints to deflect attention from those offences. That's not someone we should have spearheading an anti-abuse, anti-domestic violence campaign. He should be locked up for obstructing, perverting, and precluding justice.

This farcical mishandling of this councillor wifebeaters domestic violence pedigree - which he shamelessly concedes as truth and not a case of being maligned or prosecuted unfairly - is detrimental to every piece of work my colleagues in NDAS and the like are committed to undertaking to stop these criminals from perpetuating!

WNC, shame on all of you!

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The chief executive officer of West Northants Council, Anna Earnshaw, later emailed Mr Clark to say "the claims about domestic violence were a personal matter and not for the council to investigate".

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...yeah, well, then with equal gravitas, 'domestic violence campaigns are not for the council leader with a domestic violence pedigree to deploy'. Imbecilic!!!

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This is not a personal matter it is a criminal matter.

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I agree as women, children and unborn children were allegedly affected

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Absolutely. This has a huge effect on children and in their adult life.

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The actions of having a domestic abuser fronting a campaign saying people will be believed if they speak, to then go and use other news media to promote his story they have all made it up and he is the victim undermine every bit of work these charities and groups do. If I saw all those people together alone it would put me off speaking up, to see Nunn in the news further being legitimised and believed calling this women out will just be open season for abusers to scare their victims into silence.

This travesty has far wider implications than just Nunn, it will have consequences for any victims of domestic abuse who may otherwise have come forward.

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Apr 21Liked by NN Journal

Once again the councilors close ranks and support a colleague who should be all standards be suspended while an investigation is carried out. Just because they are in public office does not exempt them from normal work place practice, in fact it ought to be even more necessary.

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To illustrate the hypocrisy of Conservative Councillors who agree withe the CEO comment, there is a picture for the campaign "It takes only one". In it is Mold, Nunn and David Smith the Chair of the Northamptonshire, Police, Fire and Crime panel presenting awards. What does it says about them and all of these Councillors supporting them.

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Can you drop a link to this or let me know where I can find this please :)

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Simon it is on NN Journal. Friday brief. 14th April. "It's all over for Council Leader." Picture shows the poster saying "It takes only one"


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Cheers, as you might imagine I am drowning in documents, pics and press articles so always good to clarify where to look.

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Thanks for running this, Sarah. Anyone want to open a book on the Chronic running it?

This can't be allowed to go away. So many are complicit in letting this monster rise to the top.

I used to work in mental health and would guesstimate that 60 to 80% of my clients were struggling as adults because they grew up in a household where DV/DA were the norm.

Abusive parents/partners have to be held to account and put on a register like sex offenders are, as they do a lifetime's damage to their victims, too.

And the public shouldn't be putting one penny into their pockets.

Where do we go from here? It cannot be swept away.

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I am working hard to expose and put pressure on those in the PVP unit at Northants Police whose fingerprints are all over this and other issues of covering up crimes, as they are another angle to this web of protection.

Nunn only got away with this through the following

His colleagues backing him up - We can vote them out next year.

The PFCC allowing chronic corruption and misfeasance to take place and do nothing - We can vote for someone better next month.

Poor local reporting from monopoly media controlling the narrative - We can share and encourage others to follow genuine journalism of Sarah & NN journal.

Senior Police officers failing to log and investigate crimes correctly - This is a tougher one to challenge beyond calling it out wherever we see it and supporting grassroots initiatives to highlight & challenge corruption that protects others.

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Clearly, a different PFCC who can actually hold the Chief Constable to account is essential.

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When ever I address a West Northamptonshire Council meeting

I HAVE the opening 12 words ready in a template

Good evening – hope you have all had a domestic abuse free day

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