Long running ‘farce’ to appoint a new chief fire officer for Northants continues as fire, police and crime panel recommends appointment of senior police officer who is under investigation
Seems like the Chair is as weak as piss and firmly in the Mold camp. Clearly Andre has got his sights on the big job and is speaking very coherently and consistently, and will do his campaign no harm. The Chair and the panel know they should not appoint this person whilst under investigation, and it's predictable from Mold to saw she will be proved innocent, but a panel cannot rely upon his word. The panel should stand up and say no, no appointment until after the investigation, if Mold then appoints on his own then it further exposes him, so that tells you whose side the Chair is on. This panel should be independent of political influence or at least fairly balanced in terms of political colours. What may have once be known as a very British farce is now standard for a very Northamptonshire Tory farce....
What an absolute joke. Watching this live Mold can appoint who he likes with the toothless panel only able to frown and politely ask him not, something that they are apparently incapable of even trying to do, beyond a few words at the start. We all need to remember this come elections in May, this shower act like this so close to an election, showing they hold the voting public in contempt and will back up their colleague of the same party colour no matter what he does. Well done NN Journal for shining a light on this for any who did not get the chance to watch this
Staggering. Morale in Police and Fire must be rock bottom. There are Fire officers who have spent their whole career waiting for the chance to be Chief and so he appoints a non fire officer who is in under investigation. You couldn’t write this!
I am shocked that this confirmation was allowed to go ahead with a candidate under investigation by the IOPC , whilst the chief police officer is suspended because he is under investigation by the IOPC, am I missing something,
If I hadn’t seen this with my own eyes I would not have believed it. This is not true democracy, some councillors should consider their position, they obviously do not consider their electorate at all. I will wait until tomorrow and comment further after attempting to calm down.
Great work as usual Sarah, much appreciated. Thanks to you we are not all mushrooms.
Seems like the Chair is as weak as piss and firmly in the Mold camp. Clearly Andre has got his sights on the big job and is speaking very coherently and consistently, and will do his campaign no harm. The Chair and the panel know they should not appoint this person whilst under investigation, and it's predictable from Mold to saw she will be proved innocent, but a panel cannot rely upon his word. The panel should stand up and say no, no appointment until after the investigation, if Mold then appoints on his own then it further exposes him, so that tells you whose side the Chair is on. This panel should be independent of political influence or at least fairly balanced in terms of political colours. What may have once be known as a very British farce is now standard for a very Northamptonshire Tory farce....
What an absolute joke. Watching this live Mold can appoint who he likes with the toothless panel only able to frown and politely ask him not, something that they are apparently incapable of even trying to do, beyond a few words at the start. We all need to remember this come elections in May, this shower act like this so close to an election, showing they hold the voting public in contempt and will back up their colleague of the same party colour no matter what he does. Well done NN Journal for shining a light on this for any who did not get the chance to watch this
Staggering. Morale in Police and Fire must be rock bottom. There are Fire officers who have spent their whole career waiting for the chance to be Chief and so he appoints a non fire officer who is in under investigation. You couldn’t write this!
I am shocked that this confirmation was allowed to go ahead with a candidate under investigation by the IOPC , whilst the chief police officer is suspended because he is under investigation by the IOPC, am I missing something,
If I hadn’t seen this with my own eyes I would not have believed it. This is not true democracy, some councillors should consider their position, they obviously do not consider their electorate at all. I will wait until tomorrow and comment further after attempting to calm down.
Great work as usual Sarah, much appreciated. Thanks to you we are not all mushrooms.
Presumably Mold is hoping that the electorate in Northamptonshire will vote him back in without question as they have done before.