Oh dear oh dear. What a shambles, at best. At worse outright corruption. Another Tory council shows its utter contempt for the people it is supposed to serve.

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Despite having sympathy for the football club, it is difficult to understand why West Northants Council would turn down the higher offer. There is such a lack of transparency which seems to be almost contemptuous of council tax payers in the authority.

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There sre factual and numerical inaccuracies in the article and maybe just typos but it should be addressed, please?

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Hello. Yes of course we will correct any inaccuracies. If you say what they are they will be looked at. Thanks

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Hi Sarah,

Re.previous comment.

Hope this helps

3 Nov 2021 - CDNL £890,000

2 Dec 2021 - Cilldara £1.8 m

14 Jan 2022 - Cilldara £2.05 m

28 Feb 2022 - CDNL £2.05 m

4 March - Cilldara £3 m

Note the Cilldara bids were only ever for the Main Site Lease land and excluded the ACV land so the value per acre was considerably higher. The higher offers included overage but that would only come into effect if there was housing build and no one thinks that is going to happen since warehouses seem to be in both companies' minds due to the high demand and lesser remediation costs.

Also Cilldara's offered WNC a full indemnity against any future legal action if CDNL litigated about the lease termination and somehow the council was drawn into the action. I cannot see on what grounds and I think Cilldara are of the same mind which explains why they offered the indemnity in the first place.

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