Real impact from NNJ and Private Eye's excellent work. The councillors who have protected, blocked and prevent inquiries are equally and personally accountable. They have endorsed abuse, fraud and misogyny: Mold, Addersley and Nunn have been encouraged, supported and protected by numerous councillors who should follow Nunn and resign.

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I'm beyond angry about this. Because it took so long to come to the surface, because his grubby party has enabled him, because the system allows creeps like him to enter local politics unchecked.

If it wasn't for the BBC, Private Eye and the NNJ, this would still be happening. The Chronicle should be ashamed of themselves for running the "poor me" pity party last night. It was an absolute slap in the face for his victims.

As someone who lived with DA and coercive behaviour for many years, I recognise his phrasing, his deflection, his victimhood. He's a disgrace, acting the victim. Own it, apologise, disappear and take your posse of enablers with you.

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Agree entirely with all you've said here. The women have been very brave to speak out and it's a disgrace he has gone on to victim blame.

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Make no mistake about it, this was an NNJ scoop, congratulations to Sarah. I don’t have a problem with the BBC jumping in because it’s a big story.

However, the Chronicle has sunk to new depths here, they simply acted as Nunn’s mouthpiece and gave him the opportunity to continue to blame other people for his disgraceful,disgusting behaviour. All Nunn could do is seek sympathy and bleat about his mental health being affected by it all. No mention of regret for others who, due to his actions are possibly scarred for life both mentally and physically.

To cap it all, the councillor likely to take over the leadership, appearing on radio this morning still gives the impression that he thinks that it’s Nunn who is the victim here. I’m sure the Tory party cannot believe their luck that the local elections for Northamptonshire are not until next year.

I just hope the electorate will remember the events of 2024, when they are called upon to vote next year. Unfortunately, past experience shows that they probably won’t.

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Seems as if the Conservative group in WNC is a toxic chauvinist environment on top of economic ineptitude - let's hope we all remember this in May 2025 and vote them all out! He should step away from his council seat too, obviously!

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What does it take these days to get disgraced Tory politicians to resign? They just hang around like dirty nappies full of sh*t.

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I concur with all previous comments made. What makes my blood boil is the Chief Executive Anna Earnshaw writing an email to Cllr Paul Clark saying the "Domestic violence" was a private matter and not a matter for the Authority to investigate. Really? Common decency would suggest, that, she should have advised the women who reported the violence against them, to reported this to the police. However, after saying all this why..has the police taken so long to start investigating only after a BBC Broadcast on Look East? Anna Earnshaw and Catherine Whitehead should resign with immediate effect for supporting a man who seems to have a history of violence against women. This is my opinion.

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Seems that the Tories are quite happy to be associated with the wrong uns that pervade their party and every time one is exposed the game is to chase the whistleblower not the victim.

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There's a conviction in 2004 for assaulting his then wife, Janice Nunn

West Midlands Police recorded a domestic violence incident against Mr Nunn in 2008 after Carolyn Marks reported him.

In 2012, a family court ordered that he should attend a domestic violence perpetrator programme - although it's not clear why, it won't have been for no reason.

All of this is on public record. How can he strenuously deny it?

Sorry to post a second time but I can't get my head around how he got the position in the first place and how he thinks he's the victim.

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