I was sat in on that meeting and an incredibly weak apology and lack of scrutiny by the panel who seem to be in awe and fear of Mold, all chiming in with excuses why they could not discuss the issue as no complaints made, not on the agenda, in between patting themselves on the back about what a good job they do holding him to account.

The electorate will not forget their weak stance on such matters in the coming weeks.

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We need more such engagement in local government. Thank you for turning up and taking part Simon.

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Mate text me next time and I'll come too

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Several official reports have shown that the police and fire service are rife with misogyny and racism. Easy to see where this stems from.

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Please increase my subscription rate

Many thanks

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Looks likevthe pressure is building on Mold so we need to keep it up.

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Wellingborough MP Gen Kitchen's maiden speech can be viewed here: https://parliamentlive.tv/event/index/b648e382-1559-449a-893d-f2bda6639c79?in=13:40:19

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Good news - Mold has said he will not stand for re-election.

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I see Mr Mold has now said that he will not stand for election in May

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Asking this cretin to apologise is like asking a Nazi to attend a Holocaust awareness meeting... Never going to happen.

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Commissioner Mold said of his off-the-cuff response that his "language had not represented his ‘core values’." On the contrary, that's precisely what off-the-cuff language represents.

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If he is to be believed that this language does not represent his core values, then what we are looking at is a man trying to "mold" himself to fit his audience and will say anything to get support. Putting aside how mailable a person he to be able to do that, it speaks to his overall IQ if he thinks it is a good idea to ingratiate himself by referring to their new boss as a bitch.

Whatever way to tries to bumble through this, his inadequacy to hold his post is on full display.

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He’s announced that he will not be standing in May! Well done all.

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He’s not standing, congratulations to all.

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Pardon my California slang... But what a ---ing douche.

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Just to move away from Mold-related issues for a moment...

Clearly one of the problems with the VOI scooter scheme is their illegal use by under 18s. My observation with the equivalent scheme in Kettering is that the majority of careless and dangerous use of these scooters is by youngsters. Clearly they aren't the hirers themselves, so they are being "assisted" (fraudulently) by older people.

It is a statement of the blindingly obvious that accidents involving these scooters can cause loss and (compensatable) injury. For this reason, hiring a VOI scooter includes insurance. However, having read the policy on the VOI website, it is abundantly clear that all forms of illegal use of the scooters, including use by someone who isn't the hirer, invalidates the insurance.

So, if, for example, you are run over by an illegal rider, resulting in injury and loss, you are left with little opportunity for compensation. You can sue the rider, who will probably have no assets but pocket money. Or you can sue the hirer, but only if you can prove that he intentionally (and fraudulently) hired the scooter for someone else to use. Otherwise, you will be left to nurse your injuries, care needs, loss of income etc on your own.

I would suggest that part of WNC's (and NNC's, when the time comes) "roadmap" for continuation of the scooter project should be widening of the insurance policy to include third party loss when the scooter is being used illegally. This might have the valuable effect of concentrating VOI's collective mind on finding ways of preventing illegal use of their scooters.

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Does anyone know if a written complaint has been filed with either WNC or NNC yet, or how to find out if one has?

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I and Ana Savage-Gunn have both fired complaints off, as have a few others. This was in addition to my existing complaint in January that has had zero updates in 10 weeks. I do not think there is anyway to monitor how many or the progress unless people update everyone themselves.

If you want to send one, these are the email addresses of the panel that it needs to be sent to. WNC Democratic Services <democraticservices@westnorthants.gov.uk>

Cllr Fiona Baker <fiona.baker@westnorthants.gov.uk>; dorothy.maxwell@northnorthants.gov.uk <dorothy.maxwell@northnorthants.gov.uk>; Cllr Ken Pritchard <ken.pritchard@westnorthants.gov.uk>; Cllr Winston Strachan <winston.strachan@westnorthants.gov.uk>; Cllr Andre Gonzalez De Savage <andre.gonzalezdesavage@westnorthants.gov.uk>; zoe.mcghee@northnorthants.gov.uk <zoe.mcghee@northnorthants.gov.uk>; gill.mercer@northnorthants.gov.uk <gill.mercer@northnorthants.gov.uk>

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Also, following a suggestion from “John” yesterday, today I have contacted “Private Eye” magazine, in an attempt to get their help in bringing this to a nationwide audience.

I fear we are going to need all the help we can to get this man claiming “Job Seekers Allowance “

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Hi Simon, I rang WNC and asked how to go about submitting a formal written complaint about Mold’s latest disgraceful action. After being kept on hold for 10+ minutes, I was advised that I would have to use the WNC website form for a complaint about a councillor! I’m disappointed, but not surprised, that the chair didn’t explain the complaint process yesterday to the woman present, who put her hand up and stated that she wanted to make a complaint. Instead she was fobbed off with “you will need to follow the correct process”. If the correct process is to write or email a member of the panel, why on earth did he not just say so?

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Obfuscation is the coin of their realm. Making the process as bureaucratic and complex as possible, acts as a barrier to getting complaints so they can preach how amazing they are.

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