The county's unitaries could join forces with councils from Beds and Bucks to form a South Midlands devolved partnership, but little has been said so far in the council chambers.
So, first came destruction, then devolution followed by dictatorship from Milton Keynes. When will our county’s humiliation end? I wouldn’t be at all surprised if the eventual Mayor turns out to be a Mr Steven Mold. FFS.
Absolutely Chris! They keep on talking about local democracy but do absolutely nothing about it. The suggestion of Mold as a Mayor is not as far fetch as anyone think. Look at the election for a commissioner? Nothing has changed. All his appointees are still in that office. He was very popular among his fellow Conservative Councillor. They absolutely loved a "con artist".
Makes the whole North/West Unitary idea look even more ridiculous and superfluous now. Two county unitaries in one county as part of a regional committee fighting over funding. It should have been one unitary for the county town and one for the county. Who knew we were already part of a "South Midlands" style committee?? Probably not even the council if our last minute input into the East West Rail project was an example.
Well, anyone who looked at the Oxted Kid's Trotsky-ist backstory could see this coming. (wonder what happened to him- Trotsky I mean. I think he had a fallout with Uncle Joe on this very issue).
I share your thoughts on the Adam and Mold continuing farce.
Whereas some of us would like to see England devolved from the Federal Government in Westminster - we don't feel that this is neccessarily the way to do it. Good for the GDP i.e. massive wasted resources and endemic corruption, as well as fragmented responsibilities and ripe for parasitic lawyers.
Secrecy seems part of the way our unitaries run things. And I can see political pressure building up to push for a mayor to run any devolved body. These ideas need serious consideration - which involves time to really explore how it could work. It seems as though certain people have already made up their minds and ways to keep control.
The creation of the North Northants unitary authority led to Corby, despite the fact that it strongly labour, being run by tories. This 'devolved partnership' will only make things worse. The strong, proud Corby where I have lived all my life will be reduced to holding out the begging bowl looking for a few crumbs.
There is a lot of synergy for all the authorities that cover the A1 M1 corridor so this should he given serious consideration. Our public transport is a mess and it needs serious consideration about how to solve it. The benefits of HS2 freeing up train paths for local trains from Northampton and MK has been lost due to the last government cancelling off the services north of Birmingham and East West Rail comes nowhere near here.
Another unwelcome step that will dilute yet further the concept of proper and informed local democracy for and by the residents. Where will it all end?
So, first came destruction, then devolution followed by dictatorship from Milton Keynes. When will our county’s humiliation end? I wouldn’t be at all surprised if the eventual Mayor turns out to be a Mr Steven Mold. FFS.
Absolutely Chris! They keep on talking about local democracy but do absolutely nothing about it. The suggestion of Mold as a Mayor is not as far fetch as anyone think. Look at the election for a commissioner? Nothing has changed. All his appointees are still in that office. He was very popular among his fellow Conservative Councillor. They absolutely loved a "con artist".
Makes the whole North/West Unitary idea look even more ridiculous and superfluous now. Two county unitaries in one county as part of a regional committee fighting over funding. It should have been one unitary for the county town and one for the county. Who knew we were already part of a "South Midlands" style committee?? Probably not even the council if our last minute input into the East West Rail project was an example.
Well, anyone who looked at the Oxted Kid's Trotsky-ist backstory could see this coming. (wonder what happened to him- Trotsky I mean. I think he had a fallout with Uncle Joe on this very issue).
I share your thoughts on the Adam and Mold continuing farce.
Whereas some of us would like to see England devolved from the Federal Government in Westminster - we don't feel that this is neccessarily the way to do it. Good for the GDP i.e. massive wasted resources and endemic corruption, as well as fragmented responsibilities and ripe for parasitic lawyers.
Secrecy seems part of the way our unitaries run things. And I can see political pressure building up to push for a mayor to run any devolved body. These ideas need serious consideration - which involves time to really explore how it could work. It seems as though certain people have already made up their minds and ways to keep control.
The creation of the North Northants unitary authority led to Corby, despite the fact that it strongly labour, being run by tories. This 'devolved partnership' will only make things worse. The strong, proud Corby where I have lived all my life will be reduced to holding out the begging bowl looking for a few crumbs.
There is a lot of synergy for all the authorities that cover the A1 M1 corridor so this should he given serious consideration. Our public transport is a mess and it needs serious consideration about how to solve it. The benefits of HS2 freeing up train paths for local trains from Northampton and MK has been lost due to the last government cancelling off the services north of Birmingham and East West Rail comes nowhere near here.
Lets give it some thought.
Another unwelcome step that will dilute yet further the concept of proper and informed local democracy for and by the residents. Where will it all end?