Same faces that ran the disasterous Northamptonshire County Council. So all good then. 😂🤣😂

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Oh well, I guess we’ll see a whole different type of governance then.

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Is there any truth in the suggestion that he said to fellow councillors "Back me as uncontested leader and I'll give you a Cabinet position" ?

Quality leadership coming up!


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Conservatives stand for conserving the bad and sleazy ways of the past, got it!

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When a chance for a real change and a break from the failures of the past the Conservatives opt for disgraced politicians of the past.

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Same old same old! Northants voters get what they deserve ...

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Have you ever known people who vote Tory because they think it raises their status, and proves that, in their delusional minds, they are a cut above their neighbours.

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I would seem that a new policy has been adopted by the powers that be of "the maintenance of reputation " rather than serving the common good-time for a change !

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On TV the Conservatives closed ranks around Cllr Nunn.

Hopefully the fall guy will be their hapless candidate for the Police and Fire Commissioner who is in the wrong place at the wrong time.

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On behalf of all domestic abuse agencies and Citizens Advice clients in Northamptonshire, I am indeed ashamed and embarrassed.

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