I am finding it increasingly difficult to find anyone in my ward with a good word to say for Boris Johnson or indeed Peter Bone to be honest

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Once again NNJ has performed a sterling public service - well done Sarah! Bone seems to be one of the emerging cheerleaders for Team Boris, with as much grasp of the truth as his boss. That won't do him any good at the next General Election, I imagine. Simple human decency is as important as party affiliation in these awful days. The fact that Bone was working Oundle should tell you a lot about fears for the local poll coming up. LibDems and Greens could spring a surprise, and it's the kind of area where a good independent like Jim Hakewill might do well.

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Please can we bin these self servatives ASAP!!!!!

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Constituents should let their MPs know their disproval of the current government by emailing them asking they write to the 1922 Committee requesting a vote of no confidence in Johnson. They can find their local MP here: https://members.parliament.uk/members/Commons?SearchText=&PartyId=4&Gender=Any&ForParliament=0&ShowAdvanced=False

Also vote for the LibDems/Labour in the next election: Tom Pursglove has a majority of only 10,268 votes; Peter Bone's only 18,540 votes - both should be easily overturned if people vote to oust a corrupt government and send a clear message to Westminster.

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Peter Bone is welcome to knock on my door if he wants to hear what people are saying about Johnson

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The Tories seem to be adopting Trump's technique of just making things up to support their case with no interest in the actual truth. Bone is showing his contempt for democracy by adopting these tactics. Well done NN Journal ... again.

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Really balanced report, the journalist obviously trained at the BBC or Guardian.

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More great journalism by NN Journal ... to echo what Sid Langley said, a sterling public service! Keep up the good work

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Thanks Graeme. We've got a follow up story coming on Monday.

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Great article, thank you. Couldn't have said it better myself! Charlie Best (Lib Dem candidate)

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Jan 19, 2022·edited Jan 19, 2022

I'd like to vote Lib Dems like I use to. My parents both use to go to all of the local meetings. However when Lib Dems went back on their word about university tuition fees they stopped going to meeting and voting for them again. So your lot can't be trusted either!

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Frankly everything that Peter Bone says has to be taken with a very large tablespoon of salt. Taking the opposite view from everything he says would be more helpful.

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My sister and brother in law live in Oundle and can’t stand Boris for the same reasons as any sane people. They will be voting Labour and so will we, here in Herts. The sooner Boris goes the better, he is a danger to the country, has no regard for the people (especially the dying and also the vulnerable) and has wasted billions of taxpayers money. Johnson out.

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So the voters have a chance to make a change for the double reasons of the Tories efforts to avoid an election and protect the absent councillor as well as the Boris effect on voters.

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Well written, but a shame that it will stay with in Northamptonshire and not help to show the undercurrent of deception that has become the Conservative party line at the moment nationally.

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Hi, from Godalming in Surrey (Jeremy Hunt’s constituency). The message is getting out there. I wrote to our mp, who said that the parties were indefensible. But, of course, waiting for Sue Gray and unwilling to resign the whip, he’s really a supporter of this whole show as well.

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