We believe that everybody has a story to tell and so we will be working with groups across Northamptonshire to hold journalism workshops aimed at people who want to learn new skills or find out more about how the news is made.
Carried out as either a one-off session or an ongoing course, participants will learn how to tell their own story in a way that suits them.
If you are part of a community group or charity that and are interested in the workshops, please send an email to nbloomer@nnjournal.co.uk or sarahward@nnjournal.co.uk
Hello from (almost) the other side of the world - The United States of America, the State of Colorado!
I look forward to seeing how your effort goes. Hopefully, successfully because here the "news media" (as I call it), is dying by inches, daily, owing to the abandonment of basic function and purpose in favor of partisan politics; slouching toward oblivion (as a much more accomplished wordsmith put it), which is hastened by private equity firms that own a growing number of newspapers, reducing them to rubble as assets are sold off to retire debt and realize profit.