Friday brief: “We’re quietly confident the future of Raunds library is secured’
Plus calls for a review of Desborough's conservation area and some things for the weekend
It looks like Raunds library will not be another casualty of the local authority’s community hand over plan, as the library’s volunteer trust has partnered with a local education trust and will be submitting a business plan.
For some months it looked like Raunds Community Library Trust would not be able to find a way to keep running the popular library, in the absence of a financial contribution from the town council.
The deadline is the end of this month and it once seemed that Raunds volunteers, like those in Higham Ferrers and Far Cotton, may have had to pack up the books and close the chapter.
Although the education trust involved is not being named publicly, (due to final ratification by trustees) the library trust is extremely hopeful.
Library trust secretary Phil Grace said:
“We are quietly confident that the future of Raunds library is secured.
“It will have to go to the unitary executive to approve and we hope this is just a formality.”
News in brief:
Labour Councillors in Desborough are calling for a review of the town’s conservation area. The area in the centre of the town was adopted by the former Kettering borough council more than 20 years ago and has not been reviewed or updated since. The area is just north of the town centre bordered by Station Road, Gladstone Street and Harborough Road and town Cllr Andy Coleman said: “The town council is currently working on the Neighbourhood Plan and, in the light of current potential development opportunities, it seems a good time to take a look at the conservation area to see if it needs amending or updating.”
Brackley Town Council voted against a Labour motion this week to work towards ending violence against women and girls by partnering with White Ribbon UK. Labour town councillor Luke Young said: “I’m hugely disappointed that other councillors did not see fit to support the White Ribbon initiative to start addressing this issue, which affects the safety of women and girls in our community.”
Harlestone Parish Council and Climate Action-West Northamptonshire (CA-WN) co-hosted what is thought to be the area’s first Climate Exhibition at the weekend. Rupert Knowles, member of CA-WN and Harlestone parish councillor, proposed the event to nudge villagers towards the major changes in their lifestyles that are necessary for the futures of our children and grandchildren. “Each must do his or her bit”, he said.
The £3m renovation of Kettering’s library, museum and gallery has been named Cornerstone. NN Journal understands there may be some local dislike of the name and alternative suggestions may be being thought up to put to the North unitary executive.
Another of the county’s maintained nurseries is facing cuts. Camrose Early Years Centre in Northampton is facing a funding reduction of £100,000, which will be re-distributed to other nurseries. Leader of the Labour opposition on West Northamptonshire Council Gareth Eales said: “The entire maintained nursery sector requires better support and funding, but the Council should not be robbing from Peter to pay Paul. It beggars belief, that only weeks after boasting about their tens of millions of pounds hoarded in reserves, the administration are willing to pinch the pennies when it comes to funding what is such a vital service for some of the most vulnerable people in the country.”
There will be a retrial in the Dylan Holliday murder after the case was halted due to Covid. Read more from the BBC
Westminster Watch
There’s an opportunity for a local young person to become South Northants MP Andrea Leadsom’s next apprentice caseworker. The full time role is salaried and starts this August. The role involves engaging with the MP’s constituents and dealing with correspondence. Applicants need to send a CV, cover letter and one page essay on what they consider are the three key challenges for the area and how to tackle them. Deadline is March 31. Apply at
Independent(s) of the Week
Nene Court Retail Park at the Embankment, Wellingborough is a treasure trove of local independent stores. From gifts to art, food and jewellery the small venue is perfect for a weekend potter and shop.
NN Culture
There’s plenty on this across the county weekend to keep you entertained.
🎨An art session is being held in the taproom at Saxby Cider Farm in Wellingborough tomorrow from 10.30-12.30pm. Pre booking required.
👀 Sonic Vultures are playing at the Cardigan Arms in Corby Old Village tomorrow at 10pm
👂The Nigel Price Organ Trio is playing at the Charles Bradlaugh, Northampton on Sunday at 6pm.
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